Difference between revisions of "Procedures/internet accounts"

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== adding general chronic pain news ==
=== adding general chronic pain news ===
   1. in a news reader, access feed:https://news.google.com/news/feeds?hl=en&gl=ca&q=chronic+pain&um=1&ie=UTF-8&output=rss
   1. in a news reader, access feed:https://news.google.com/news/feeds?hl=en&gl=ca&q=chronic+pain&um=1&ie=UTF-8&output=rss
Line 93: Line 93:
painlab.ca was set up to consolidate calendars, to-do lists, documents, etc. It is set up in Wordpress. Alas, it does not seem to be used much.
painlab.ca was set up to consolidate calendars, to-do lists, documents, etc. It is set up in Wordpress. Alas, it does not seem to be used much.
New Account Info                 |
=== Account Info ===              |
| Domain: painlab.ca
| Domain: painlab.ca
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== Odysseys-in-pain ==
== Odysseys-in-pain ==
this is Diane's personal pain blog
Domain: odysseys-in-pain.org
Domain: odysseys-in-pain.org

Revision as of 21:39, 26 October 2012

Youtube channel

YOUTUBE CHANNEL account: transformingpain password: pain0000

it's a good idea to upload lab videos to this channel

Facebook page

https://www.facebook.com/confrontingpain -- once someone has been designated as the new administrator, I will give their facebook account administrative privileges

blog posts are automatically added to the Facebook page

Gmail account

transpainlab tr@nsp@1n

security question: gsr? security answer: arousal


Twitter Account

transpainlab tr@nsp@1n

Note: Wordpress site is programmed to automatically tweet new posts --- www.confrontingpain.com - blog page


Wordpress login: admin Wordpress pw: tr@nsp@1N Wordpress database: confront_wrdp1 database password: ium[Xyy3054[

login page: confrontingpain.com/wp-login.php

 1. posts/ add new
 2. give it a title
 3. upload an image, set it to "feature image" so it appears on the front page
 4. add text.
 5. give it a category (or more than one
 6. add some keywords
 7. To make an item part of the rotating features at the top of the front page, select "Feature" for the category 

adding general chronic pain news

 1. in a news reader, access feed:https://news.google.com/news/feeds?hl=en&gl=ca&q=chronic+pain&um=1&ie=UTF-8&output=rss
 2. set up scoop.it
   1. login at scoop.it as TransPainLab, password tr@nsp@1n
   2. install the scoop.it bookmarklet on your web browser - http://www.scoop.it/bookmarkletInfo
 4. when you find something worth sharing (stats on chronic pain, medical advances, impact, etc.), go to that webpage and use the bookmarklet to post it to scoop.it -- it'll automatically be added to the confronting pain.com blog as an "other" news item


Domain Dashboard

Domain Dashboard (for database administration):


login: confront password: tr@nsp@1n NameServer1: ns1.winterswebworks.com NameServer2: ns2.winterswebworks.com ip address: contact: tjlavend@sfu.ca


godaddy.com (domain name registrar) account number: 32042405 password: fl@ckmore



painlab.ca was set up to consolidate calendars, to-do lists, documents, etc. It is set up in Wordpress. Alas, it does not seem to be used much.

=== Account Info === | +===================================+ | Domain: painlab.ca | Ip: (n) | HasCgi: y | UserName: painlab | PassWord: tr@nSp@1n | CpanelMod: x3 | HomeRoot: /home | Quota: 200 Meg | NameServer1: ns1.winterswebworks.com | NameServer2: ns2.winterswebworks.com | NameServer3: | NameServer4: | Contact Email: admin@painlab.ca, | Package: wetcoast_non-profit | Feature List: default | Language: en


Diane.Gromala password: fuckme,,


Fund code: 31 Project Grant: 679087


this is Diane's personal pain blog

Domain: odysseys-in-pain.org | Ip: (n) | HasCgi: y | UserName: gromala | PassWord: 4nopain | CpanelMod: x3 | HomeRoot: /home | Quota: 500 Meg | NameServer1: ns1.winterswebworks.com | NameServer2: ns2.winterswebworks.com | NameServer3: | NameServer4: | Contact Email: wetcoast@gmail.com, | Package: wetcoast_non-profit | Feature List: default | Language: en

painlab.ca - Diane's login: user name: Putch Tu

email address: mootsac@gmail.com

log in: putch2,

password: 4nopain