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Revision as of 03:25, 7 August 2012 by Dgromala (talk | contribs)
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[[=Confronting Pain: Redefining Mobility =


Pain Lab Meetings, Summer 2012: Wednesdays, Reading Group: noon; Lab mtg. 1 p.m. <DynamicPageList> mode = unordered category = Meetings </DynamicPageList>

RA list of tasks: the dead simple list for DGr

NOTE: you MUST update & bring a print out of this to every weekly meeting or meetings won't happen

L A V E N D E R:

Blogsite: weekly updates, back-ups

patient database Aug.15

study of displays ethics submitted?, develop schedule & link to here

Travel reimb. forms re: GRAND annual: submit Aug.15 as is (tell DGr what receipts are needed)

HQP workshop w/Dr.Jackie Garner-Nix: in-progress, 20min.recap show to lab first Wed. you are back

YouTube Video: (inspired by Pain Chronicles), identify,shoot,upload by Aug.31

M A M I S A O:

Bowie video:Music file w/MN&CS; Aug.15, rough cut 3rd week Aug.

Carnivalesque video: get images/ideas from DGr Aug.9

brainstorm 2 to 2.5 to 3D video sketch w/Amber (sketches, no talk), Aug.31

Photos from Patient Focus Group: identify 5 best & send to DGr+TL, Aug.15

Photos from Patient Focus Group: back up on lab HD, Aug.15

Tilt-shift video: update DGr Aug.9; finalize best version Aug.15, back-up best version + uneditted files to lab HD, Aug.31

Posse meets DGr & CS: august

Directed Studies: update DGr&CS Aug.15

Gemma PainBC reg. w/DGr Aug.9

Get tech support so you can print from your laptop wirelessly by Aug.15

Set up lighting, camera, tripod in VR2: Aug.25 or sooner if possible

YouTube Video: (inspired by Pain Chronicles), identify,shoot,upload by Aug.31

N A Z E M I:


KZ sound files: identify & have ready by Aug.15; music files have ready by Aug.15; ambient sound files, have ready by Aug.15; interactive sound re: GSR, have ready by Aug 25

Diagram (a la storybaord + interactivity): rough sketch Aug.31

Artech paper: accepted, cite below in bib format Soundwalk study: patients, done; need to finish w/control group Aug.31

Patients Focus Group: Kinect idea: discuss w/DGr this Wed.

Patient Focus Group Demo: notes from, Aug.25

Order 1 lighting kit from Des: this week (existing lab's softboxes MUST fit) Aug.15

Prague conference: register w/DGr this week, Aug.15

YouTube Video: (inspired by Pain Chronicles), identify,shoot,upload by Aug.31

M O B I N I:

Logo design review logo ideas + sketches with DGr

Website design: working sketch Aug.15

Patient Focus Group Notes: Aug.15

NPC redesign opioid tool, done

YouTube Video: (inspired by Pain Chronicles), identify,shoot,upload by Aug.31

Get tech support so you can print from your laptop wirelessly Aug.15

C H O O:

Show lab folks your portfolio in brief

Set-up desk, computer, get 3D software installed + make a list of stuff you need

Read chapters 1-3 of The Pain Chronicles

YouTube Video: (inspired by Pain Chronicles), identify,shoot,upload by Aug.31

Calendar on wall: Aug.15

Identify interactive art projects that are related to pain in Leonardo

Identify videogames that are related to pain per se (like the WIld Divine)

Familiarize yourself with the Wild Divine

Work with Jeremy on the 2 to 2.5 to 3D video a la Carnivale intro


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RA Tasks

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Annotated Bibliographies

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