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Revision as of 18:09, 6 August 2012 by Dgromala (talk | contribs)
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[[=Confronting Pain: Redefining Mobility =


Pain Lab Meetings, Summer 2012: Wednesdays, Reading Group: noon; Lab mtg. 1 p.m. <DynamicPageList> mode = unordered category = Meetings </DynamicPageList>

RA list of tasks: the dead simple list for DGr

NOTE: you MUST update & bring a print out of this to every weekly meeting or meetings won't happen

L A V E N D E R:

Blogsite: weekly updates, back-ups

patient database Aug.15

study of displaysethics submitted?, develop schedule & link to here

Travel reimb. forms re: GRAND annual: submit Aug.15 as is (tell DGr what receipts are needed)

HQP workshop w/Dr.Jackie Garner-Nix: in-progress, 20min.recap show to lab first Wed. you are back

M A M I S A O:

Bowie video:Music file w/MN&CS; Aug.15, rough cut 3rd week Aug.

Carnivalesque video: get images/ideas from DGr Aug.9; brainstorm 2 to 2.5 to 3D video sketch w/Amber (sketches, no talk), Aug.31

Photos from Patient Focus Group: identify 5 best & send to DGr+TL, Aug.15

Photos from Patient Focus Group: back up on lab HD, Aug.15

Tilt-shift video: update DGr Aug.9; finalize best version Aug.15, back-up best version + uneditted files to lab HD, Aug.31

Posse meets DGr & CS: august

Directed Studies: update DGr&CS Aug.15

N A Z E M I:


KZ sound files, identify & have ready by Aug.15; music files have ready by Aug.15; ambient sound files, have ready by Aug.15; interactive sound re: GSR, have ready by Aug 25

Diagram (a la storybaord + interactivity) rough Aug.31

Artech paper: accepted, cite below in bib format

Soundwalk study: patients done; need to finish w/control group

Patient Focus Group Demo: notes from, Aug.25

Patients Focus Group: Kinect idea: discuss w/DGr this Wed.

Order 1 lighting kit from Des: this week (existing lab's softboxes MUST fit) Aug.15

Prague conference: register w/DGr this week, Aug.15

M O B I N I:

logo & website design:

logo sketches reviewed by DGr weekly (sketches, no talk)

Website design: working sketch Aug.15

Calendar on wall: Aug.15 or bail

Get tech support so you can print from your laptop wirelessly Aug.15


<DynamicPageList> mode = unordered category = Procedures </DynamicPageList>


<DynamicPageList> mode = unordered category = Papers </DynamicPageList>


<DynamicPageList> mode = unordered category = Research </DynamicPageList>

RA Tasks

<DynamicPageList> category = RATasks mode = unordered </DynamicPageList>

Annotated Bibliographies

<DynamicPageList> category = Annotated Bibliography mode = unordered </DynamicPageList> ]]